Welcome toSt George's C.E. Primary School

Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mrs Thomas

Welcome to Year 6!

Mrs Thomas is our Year 6 teacher and Mrs Lowe is our Teaching Assistant. 

PE Lessons:

Our PE lessons will be Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure your child comes to school in the correct PE uniform on both these days (school jumper, plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts/leggings/joggers, trainers or pumps).  

Reading Books:

Reading books should be in school everyday as we also read with the children. Please continue to encourage your child to read regularly at home, for 10 minutes daily, and make some time to discuss and ask questions about the text to develop comprehension skills. We would be grateful if you could please make a note of how your child reads, in their reading diary, each time your child is heard to read by an adult, whether this is a school book, an online book, comic, newspaper or a book of their own.

Our school day starts at 9am, with children arriving from 8:40am, and finishes at 3:30pm. 

Here is our weekly timetable for the second half of the Summer term: 


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We use ClassDojo as our main communication tool. We will share what the children have been learning in class and communicate all class/school-related information with you using this platform. It is essential that you are connected to our class page.


We also use School Spider (which is our website provider) for you to sign up your children to after school clubs and booking a parent/teacher meeting when the time comes.  

It is really important that you have access to both of these platforms so you know exactly what is happening in our school. 

Our Curriculum


We adopted the Dimensions' Learning Means the World curriculum in September 2022 and we love it! The curriculum is driven by the 4Cs of communication, conflict, conservation and culture which meets the needs of our diverse school community. It is designed to inspire an enthusiasm for learning, engaging with and learning about challenging 21st century issues, dealing with tomorrow’s issues today.

The progression through school follows four phases: Explorers (EYFS), Pathfinders (Years 1 and 2), Adventurers (Years 3 and 4) and Navigators (Years 5 and 6).

To find out more about our new curriculum please click here.

In the files at the bottom of this page, you will find our curriculum newsletters and WHISK (WHat I Should Know) sheets for each Learning Means the World Unit. 



As well as developing subject-specific skills through the themes, the children will also be acquiring skills which will help them become well-rounded individuals and ready for their next phase of learning. Our Navigators will learn to be leaders, overcomers, focused and able to apply skills. For more information about Navigators, click here.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Thomas via ClassDojo or speak to her at the start or end of the school day.


Files to Download

Year 6: News items

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Year 6: Blog items

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Year 6: Gallery items

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Year 6: Calendar items

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Contact us at St George's C of E Primary School

Executive Headteacher:
Mrs J Tyers
Concord Place,
M6 6SJ